We slept in the next morning.

Okay, we stayed in bed the next morning, Slept some, didn't sleep some, you know the drill.

We finally decided to saunter to the kitchen after bathroom time about 9:30am (late for us) and as we did I spied the phone.

"I think I will call the troops and let them know we got here ok."
"Ok, I'll start breakfast."
"Good boy." Well trained he is, too.

Rico grinned, kissed me, and proceeded to start hauling out what little provisions we had to make breakfast with.

I dialed Ofelia first.

You get up there okay, dahlin'?"

"Sure did Feelie. Long two days but God was it worth it. This place is GORGEOUS."

"Yah want company?"

"LOL. You offering?"
"Yep, me and Rose."
"Rose is there?"
"Sure is. Wait a minute,"
and after a second Rose got on the line.

We talked and laughed and laughed and talked and it was almost like not being gone at all. Then the two of them had to get on to important stuff like work and we had to, uh, get to NOT working. YAY. Of course I knew by calling Feelie, and with Rose there too, they would spread the word that we had arrived okay. Never underestimate the Redneck Mafia grapefine. It is swift and thorough.

Breakfast was a wondrous treat of this and that, one of my all-time favorites. Eggs, Ham, Hash Browns, English Muffins, and Orange Juice. Course that depleted our foodstock so it would be a trip to ye olde general supercenter or whatever passes for one in ye olde boonies, this morning or what is left of it.

We rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, which would have to wait since I had forgotten to pack the detergent for said same. I can still see it on the kitchen counter waiting to be loaded but...ahem.

Needless to say, the humongous supercenter we were used to back home was a ways down U S 131 on the northside of Big Rapids, so we decided to make do with the local foodstore in the little town nearest us for today. (I almost fainted when we got there and I saw a store smaller than my closet back home, but oh well).

But it actually did have a pretty good selection of the basics and we made off with a bunch of boxes and bags of goodies which we promptly put away when we got home. Home? Really?

Then what?

"Wanna sit out and watch the water go by? ZZZZZZ!"

"Sure," I answered gamely and laughingly and off we went to waterwatch. I am sure this will soon be an Olympic Sport or maybe not. Relaxing as fuck which we had seriously needed and after all that was the reason and porpoise for all this.

The warm gentle breezes and the pitter patter of little riverwater drops cascading past our deck was enough to put me into snooze mood and fast. Rico too.

I woke up a bit after 4pm and felt a bit embarrassed at having slept most of the day away, but Rico was still making zzz's so that made me feel a bit less so. I eased myself out of my chair and proceeded to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee and maybe a brownie or two that we had bought earlier in town. Sorry, I forgot to mention there is a small bakery there too on the other side of the dollar store and those brownies beckoned loudly the minute we walked in. SCREAMED they did at me and hell, what was I to do but buy them. I was at their mercy to be sure.

"Yes, this is the life, I thought to myself," just as Rico came bounding (sort of) into the kitchen, scooping me up as he did so and as they say, planting one on thah kissah me with brownie lips and all.

"God I feel so rested," he grinned.
"Uh oh," I got one of my most terrified grimaces on my face and he grinned an evil grin.
"So this is it?"
"God I hope so," he countered and I nodded.
"To think all this and a long slow evening of listening to the crickets and watching the water do its thing, and...

He laughed.
"Not that bad Bearski."
"I never said it was. After all, this is exactly why we drove forty million miles through sage and tundra and the dead of knights to get to where we could just lay back and do nothing but eat and fart and sleep, and..."

"Stop. You making fun of my idea of fun?"
Said, just as the phone rang.
I looked at him and he at me.
PHONE? RINGING? Good God. I wasn't even sure of our new phone number yet. Was going to have to look at what they had sent me.

"Probably a tele-marketer," I mused.
"Waste no time do they," he grinned.
"Nope," but then I heard Antonio's dulcet tones.

"Oh geez. Shudda known."
I picked up the phone, muttering under my breath.
"Hey Dylan. You got up there ok, I hear."
'You hear correctly, oh mighty one."
"So, how is it? Nice place?"
"Oh God yes. Gorgeous, and absolutely perfect for just being and relaxing."
"Sounds great. How many bedrooms?"
"Uh, six I the master."

"GOOD! Hey, thought that maybe couple of us might wander by?"
"Uh...where are you."
"Headed up I-55."

I put my hand over the phone sort of and looked at Rico who had heard. I must have gotten a really bad look on my face. He busted out laughing. I was not amused."

"Uh, where on I-55," I asked hesitantly...
"Should be nearing St Louis in couple of hours or so."

"Uh, you going to stop somewhere?"
I was thinking that if we pack up right now, that maybe we could...

"Yeh, probably, or we may just come straight through."
"Yeh, got some buddies with me."
'Oh I just bet you do and I also just bet I know who,' I thought to myself.

"Ok, call you later," and with that he was gone.

"Think we can outrun 'em? Make it to Canada?" Rico asked only partly seriously I was sure. I just shook my head and he agreed.

"I wonder just whose idea this was,"
I wondered out loud and knew the answer.
"ALL OF THEM," Rico laughed and he was right.

We pretty much got a few status update calls after that. Every few hours, Antonio would call and inform of their progress. The last one, Rose was driving and the rest except for Billy and he were asleep. (Billy knows Rose's driving and I suspect he doesn't ever sleep when his sister is at the wheel. I'm also convinced that Antonio is part Bat and never sleeps...EVER. I shall have to research that).

"God help us Rose is driving," I mouthed to Rico.
"I know how she drives. FAST. She will probably shoot right past us at 100mph and wind up in the Arctic Circle or something. Boy would that blow the skirts up of the Inuit people."

I almost laughed on the phone but thought better of it.

It was a bit past 9am and so much for sleeping in, as the hordes of goofies arrived.


Just what we needed. A caravan of goofies.

OMG. Course what Antonio had NOT told us was that there more than a 'few buddies,' more like a 4 vehicle caravan loaded with loonies. I damn near fainted when I looked out and saw them all getting out their vehicles.
and he nodded from his looking post behind me.

and I slumped into his arms. Perfect time for some raucous sex, I thought and almost said. You know, get myself geared up and ready for the posse. BUT, of course that was a wishful think from Hell...and here they came. One after the other.

"WELL, SO MUCH FOR GETTING AWAY," I sighed to my everloving and he agreed.

I opened the door and I HOPE, smiled. I gave it my best shot and then the huggies and kissies began.


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