10 AM sharp and once again found us sitting in our classroom seats, expectant looks on our faces and hope in our hearts, and the certain knowledge..

Ok, that last part? Might be a stretch. Truth is we knew little to nothing and that was bugging the fuck out of all of us.

"So, my new friends and class clowns," Anna said after we had all taken our places, and we all laughed as did she.

"What brings you all here so soon? Glad to see you of course."

"Answers," I said.
"You think I have answers?"
"We hope so," I offered with a hopeful tinge to my voice."
"Well, time will tell won't it," Anna said, and not smiling I noticed.

"Mrs. Van Der Lagt," Kip started.
"Anna, please. You really aren't my students, least not formally," and she laughed.
"Anna, thank you. We all feel that there is something missing. Or rather someone. Someone who maybe has some of the pieces we lack so far."
"You think I might know who that is?"
"We hope so, Anna," Derek said.
"We sure hope so."

"Well let's see. You obviously have Danny so it would seem he isn't it. I mentioned a couple of others yesterday. Have you talked to Donny? At the gas station?"
"No, not yet."
"I would. Billy Wilder I haven't seen in some time, but he might be in town. If he is I don't know."
"Who might know?"
"His father, Roger Wilder. Let me see," and she opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out a rather worn looking address book."
"Yes, here he is," and she gave us the address and phone number."

"I do seem to recall one other guy or I guess you say
dude' nowadays," and we all laughed.
"Let me think," and we went into quiet mode so she could.
"Oh yes, Jimmy Williams. I have no idea where he is now, but now that I think of it and I have no idea why I think this, but I would try to find Frankie Giordano if I were you."
"Ok, thank you. Do you have any idea where he went when he left here?"
"No, I'm sorry, but his brother I am sure might. Wait a minute," and she paged through the address book...and then gave us his brothers number and addess.

"Marcus Giordano. He is a character I will tell you. Always the class clown. I don't know how close they were. Marcus was several years younger than Frankie. He must be maybe 20 or 21 now."

We felt we had clues to go on, and thanking her we headed out to our vehicles.
"Who first?"
"If my suspicion is correct and Anna's is, I say the Giordano brother."
"Agreed," and we all did and proceeded to the address she had given us.

It was a fairly large and very nice house not far from the school on a quiet residential street, and Marcus answered the door. A bit oddly too we all decided.


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