The next day found Derek, Danny, and Brenda headed out to California after driving down to the airport in Grand Rapids...they were gone 4 days, and upon their return we grilled them good, like burgers.

"What you find out? HUH HUH HUH?"

Derek admitted a bit sheepishly I thought that they had found out very little.

They had found the bar where Chad and Charles worked and Rick hung out, but seems they were more than a bit standoffish with their co-workers and nobody either knew them very well or didn't want to admit to it. Nobody seemed to know where they had gone nor what had happened to them, and Derek said he decided to leave it at that as obviously the owner of the bar and their co-workers had.

Bren had gone out to Silicon Valley where Rick worked, but again...nobody knew him very well, nor did they know anything other than he had just stopped coming to work...and that was that. Both the bar and the Valley company were big yawns.

Danny checked out their residences (same condo building) but he too hit a brick wall. Seems these three really kept to themselves, and none seemed to have any friends other than each other which was incredible since all were in their twenties and college grads and went to and worked in bars.

So, that was California...bust. No dreamin' here.


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