'HERE WE GO AGAIN', kept reverberating through my mind like an old favorite song, forgotten but trying to remember again.

Derek and Danny arrived about 1pm as scheduled and Rico got them settled in upstairs, after which they came down grabbing mugs of coffee on their way and came out to the deck where Jake, Kenny, Ofelia, Billy Ray, Rose and I were ensconced. Zeke and Teddy were out in the side yard playing volleyball.

We were a pretty motley crew I have to admit.

Derek and Danny had no more than arrived than Andy #1 arrived with Aunt Bea (you thought I was kidding didn't you. Actually THIS Aunt Bea was about 30, and really pretty. Hard to imagine this one would wind up looking like the other one, but hey. Hehehe.

This one was actually Deputy Sharilyn Andrews.

"Hi," they both said and we retorted in our usual fashion. "FUCK YOU!"
Okay, maybe not but it was tempting.

"Just thought we would stop by on our way to the crime scene and update you."

The several ears of me, Rico, and Derek and company PERKED...especially Jake and Derek.

"The deceased don't seem to have been from anywhere around here. That may explain the refrigeration thing. So far we have no clue who they are. They don't seem to be in any of our databases, photos or prints. They of course like the first one had no I.D. on them, or anything else for that matter. ( The bodies had been bare-ass naked when Rose found them).

Both according to the coroner were males in their early-to-mid-twenties, both apparently brothers or cousins but probably brothers and the cause of death while again difficult to determine appears to be strangulation. ALL THIS seems to follow the first victim in type of death, age, and the frozen thing. I am convinced and so are the others that these deaths are definitely connected. Too much of a pattern to be mere coincidence."

"You said you are on the way to the crime scene. Mind if I tag along? By the way, I am Agent Mathiesen from Memphis...Director of the FBI field office there."

"Of course Agent Mathiesen. Happy to have you on board."
"I'll go too, Derek," Jake said and Kenny nodded he would too."

Deputy Andy Tayl...ok, Fowler, told me they would keep me informed and I thanked him. They all left shortly thereafter. Aww gee.

The rest of the day went well. Ok, it went.
I found myself pacing and pacing. I couldn't seem to focus. Went out to Zeke and Teddy and tried volleyball but soon gave that up as a total loss. I've never been good at it anyway and today I was sheer klutz on steroids.

I tried the baking thing, but the cake turned out best left in the garbage disposal which amused Rico no end which did not amuse ME at ALL.

I even went upstairs and tried to nap, but sleep was not my friend right about then. I thought about going to town and shopping, but first of all I didn't need anything that I could think of and second...I DIDN'T NEED ANYTHING.

Rico kept trying to help but even he was getting on my nerves and that trust me NEVER happens.

Finally, I went out on the boat and just sat.

"Hey, want some company?"
"Um, and some measels and mumps and a bad case of..." I thought but didn't say.

He came and sat down beside me.
"I know, Dylan. Trust me I do know."
I wondered how.

"God what a mess...and it is NOT like we haven't all been here and done this all before, but NOT HERE," I told him.

I could hear my voice and it sounded to me almost hysterical. Oh good. Nervous breakdown, JUST when I was getting so good at sanity and all. Fudge.

"He put his arms around me and I began the short road haul to losing it."
"Go ahead if you want...get it out."

Funny thing is I didn't even know this dude. He is a handyman, chief cook and bottle washer, former furniture mover from Northern lower Michigan and that is the sum total of what I had in terms of knowledge of Zeke Braddock. But any port in a storm I always say. I was just afraid that Teddy was gonna find us and that I REALLY wasn't ready for. Love that boy, BUT...

We just sat with me nestled in Zeke's arms and then after a few I began to kinda get it back together again. Amazing, but...

I straightened up a bit and so did he.
"Thanks. That seemed to help."
"Funny all this, not all that unusual for this bunch of ninnies. Probably sounds pretty strange to you."

"Nope. Teddy has told me a lot and with his parents being FBI..."

"Former FBI."
"Although I am beginning to wonder if anyone is EVER REALLY FORMER FBI. I laugh."
"Perhaps not. I think Teddy thinks that."
"Yeh, that is my hunch."
"Probably right."
I heard a noise and surmised that the loonies had found us and I was right. Ofelia and Rose, with treats I might add.

"You guys need to keep up your strength," Rose announced as she and Ofelia sat down and passed a tray of fresh and still warm frosted brownies over to us. They looked absolutely SINFUL and I said so.

"They ARE, Hawney, trust me. Straight from the pits of purgatory."

That elicited a laugh I didn't think I was capable of and Zeke let out a laugh I needed to hear.

"You really taking all this pretty hard, Bear honey," Rose said as she looked questioningly at me.
I mulled that over for about a nano second.
"Yeh, I guess so."
"'Tis what it 'tis baby," she grinned and grabbing me hugged tight.
I suddenly realized I needed that too.
"I know, but the question is what do we do now?"

Ofelia let out a laugh.
"Hawney? We do now what we always do."

"Hawney, as SHO as Mah Mama was the epitome of deviousness, we shall wrap this all up in a big pink bow, give it to Deputy Fife, and head on to the barn."

That got a WHOLE LOT of laughter going just as Rico and Teddy and...Brenda...arrived.

"You know you is irresistible, Silly," and with that I got a big hug from the lady from the FBI. Hah. I knew it.

"I didn't know you were coming."
"I didn't either, Bear," Teddy added...and I knew he was really glad to see her. It showed all over his face.

Zeke got up and leaned over to her and she got hugged.
"Good to see you, Brenda. Really good."
"Has my son worn you out yet?"
"He's working on it."
"Trust me. He does that REALLY well."
"Loves you much, sweetie, but you DO take some getting used to."
Everybody laughed at that one.
"I'll manage, Brenda."
We all laughed wondering if Zeke had a CLUE what he was in for. I suspected he did a bit. Kewl.

Actually I will let you in on a little not so secret. I was almost astonished at Brenda seeming to really take to Zeke. I mean her devotion to Teddy being what it has always been, I would have rather suspected her of pulling a gun on Zeke or anyone else who tried even remotely to latch on to Teddy. But it was obvious from the gitgo that Bren approved of Zeke and not surprisingly, Tom did too.

Maybe Bren had finally realized her son had grown up and it was time to let go. Who would have figured that one, but that is really the only thing it could be...I thought to myself. Good for you Bren, and yes we all like Zeke a lot. He is one of those dudes you just know is good to his toes. Good thing we got room for one more looney. LOL.

"Derek know you are here?" I asked her.
"Nope. Surprise."
"And a nice one," Zeke, Rose and I said all at once. Bren blushed.


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