Escape? From what?

Good question.

Would we have to make another collective journey out to ye olde Calley way, or were there rocks and stones left unturned, so far...right here in front of us. I hoped it was the latter.

"I say tomorrow we go sleuthy amongst the locals?"
and this came from Kip...and we all nodded.

"Yeh, Kipper," who smiled as he turned to Teddy.
"I think there has GOT to be SOMEbody who knows something we don't yet."
"My thoughts exactly, sprout." Kip's fave name for the whirling dervish known as Teddy. Brenda laughed as did Teddy and Zeke.

"Who you wanna hit up first, Kip?" This from Zeke.
I think we gotta do follow-up on that Giordano dude. He knows something and I would bet my left testicle, sorry girls, (who all said ok, we know what those are) that Mr. Frankie Giordano is not only IN TOWN, but right in front of us. I say we smoke him out."

"I also have a hunch," this from Zeke..."that something is up with the elusive Mister Wilder, and Wilder than what I would like to find out." We all laughed, although a bit weakly.

"You got a plan?" Kenny asked of both Kip and Zeke, obviously intrigued.
"Working on it," came the jointly uttered terse reply.

"Ok, let's hear it and we can all help flesh it out, right?"
"Go for it," and for the next hour and a half we did. Nobody was too sure it was foolproof but hell...couldn't be any worse than what we had been doing up until now could it.

We sorta munched our way through it as nobody was too much into either cooking or real eating and so by the time we were done, so was dinner and since we were all tired we adjourned to our beds and our slumbers...HOPEFUL for tomorrow and 'the plan'.


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