We made our way to Reed City and the supermarket on Thursday afternoon, and boy did we shop. Took two SUV's and a semi (lol) to haul it all home upon which it got brought into the kitchen and transformed into a feast almost unparalled in terms of normal Boutique River standards.

We pigged out, burped, loosened our belts and pigged out some more. Talk was lively and festive and we had a great time. Bedtime came fairly early because many of the caravanners were leaving early on Friday and needed their sleep for the long drive back to Missouri.

Burping and snoring were the order of the day/night. Then way too early to be desirable Friday morning came and what didn't get cooked and consumed on Thursday night did then. It was a Billy Ray and Rose festival and as usual more than delicious. We finished stuffing our faces about 8am and then slowly but surely the smiling/teary faces of most of our guests began to filter out to the vehicles and soon departed amidst tears and laughter and well wishing and kissies and, you know the drill.

We were left with Rose and Billy Ray, Frankie and Tess, Kenny and Jake, and Ofelia. They planned to stay another week or two and that was kewl. This was a manageable size group and of course made easier by the fact that we are such close friends and nobody gets babied. You know where the frig is and if you starve that is YOUR fault.

We pretty much did a whole lot of NOTHING the rest of the day. I interviewed a couple of people for the position of houseman to keep up with the Le Maire and friends pollution we are so good at generating. Liked one and hired him, young dude by the name of Zeke Braddock and who AMAZING COINCIDENCE, just happened to have just quit his position as furniture mover extraordinaire (of moving our new furniture in fame) (Teddy told me later that he did that when he found out I was going to hire a houseman.) and oh yes, Teddy was staying on as well. SURPRISE? I think NOT. Hehehe. Needless there was a fair amount of campaigning for Zeke going on on the part of Teddy...and I had all I could do to keep from falling down laughing. He was so transparent. I've seen amusement parks with less frivolity.

"You saw how he moved the furniture, Dylan?"
"Really hard worker, Rico," and on and on. About as subtle as a porcupine with the mean hornies.

Quiet dinner served on a makeshift buffet table on the deck riverside, and then it was just quiet talk and game of cards here and there and some tv. Then up to bed.

But during the evening found Rico laying on one of the couches in the great room, with me laying in front of him and he had his arms tight around me. Works for me. At one point, he turned slightly and looked directly at me.
"What?" I asked him.
"You okay?"
"Yeh. Why?"
"Not sure bearski. Just something. Doesn't feel right but I don't know what." Hmmm.

Now I have always trusted Rico's instincts but even he didn't have a handle on his at the moment. Then as Rose headed up to bed, she came through and stopped.
"Hey you two mutts."
We laughed.
"You guys okay?"
"So far my maiden."
She laughed but looked pensive I noticed.
"Why you ask?"
"Not sure Dylan. Not sure, something but I cannot put my finger on it." Ofelia who was walking with her nodded in agreement.

BUT. Didn't seem to be anything at that point to be concerned about...what could go wrong? And so I immediately forgot it. Hmmm. I should have known better.

Sleeping in with Rico is always one of my fave things in life and we did that on Saturday morning which came and went and then afternoon loomed.
"Wanna get up, Bearski?"
"NO," and we we didn't for another hour but by 2pm we were found showered and staggering badly downstairs toward the kitchen and the smell of caffeine which was indeed overwhelming.

Billy Ray had just started working on dinner, and greeted us.
"Lazy pelts," he grinned and we agreed quietly as the mugs of BillyBrew hit our nostrils and tongues.

Rico and I leaned back against one of the counters and sorta...uh, hard to say what we were doing. I am not sure we were entirely conscious. Hehehe.

"I am making tenderloin and shrimp for dinner, with veggies and garlic bread and NY cheesecake for dessert. Baked taters too."

"NUMMMMMM," I melted to my toes and Rico got a truly ravenous look on his puss, but then that is normal for him.

"Gorgeous day, guys. Go on out to the deck and I will bring you some warm danish."
Sounded good to me.

The entire afternoon was spent lollygagging on the rear deck and water/squirrel/varmit watching, and snoozies and that was pretty much it. It was probably 85 or so and sunny and clear blue sky and PERFECT.

Everyone seemed to be in total relax mode. Kenny and Jake and Frankie and Tess decided to go spend time in the pool which they did. Teddy and Zeke went with them. Billy Ray cooked, and later Rose and Ofelia helped. What more could you want? HEAVEN THITH WATH!

The evening was even more subdued and the quiet and the woodsy air and all made every one of us more than a bit sleepy and relaxed to the point of being damn near comatose.

Rico whispered in my ear about 10 or so that he wanted to go to bed and I said he could and he slapped my butt, and so WE headed upstairs after saying good night to the few assembled we could find.

There was a lively poker game going on in the Great Room and the tv room sported Zeke and Teddy. Rose and Billy and Ofelia had already gone upstairs.

NOTHING could be more relaxing than this. THIS is what we got this place for and what a treat. Course we knew this wouldn't last forever but for now this was OH SO GOOD.

Sleep came quick and sure and welcomed.



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