I was closer to right than wrong. Rose had discovered the bodies about 4pm and the deputies had started arriving about twenty after, with the feds about 15 minutes behind that. Just as I began to wonder how they would get out here to the island, they pulled up and one of the vehicles had a boat and trailer attached. AHH. So this must be a regular thing up here. HOW COMFORTING TO KNOW. Then a second vehicle pulled up with a boat and trailer attached and that as it turned out was the FBI field agents. How reassuring to know that no matter how many bodies turn up around here, river notwithstanding...

BY GOD these dudes are ready and able. I suppose it beats wading out to us. Hah.

Ok, I watched fascinated as they climbed aboard the boats and began their arduous journey ALL THE WAY out to us. Ok, 300ft maybe, but.

Then they charged onshore like the invasion at Normandy (if run by Mickey Mouse, Porky Pig and Goofy) and began their deputy/agent stuff. I found it both fascinating and incredibly funny. But, laughter wasn't forthcoming, trust me.

We sat and sat and watched and sat and snoozed and had an orgy and then dinner and then...

Okay about that orgy...MENTAL ONLY of course. Pfui.
Dinner neither. Nobody seemed the least bit interested in food, especially me.

A side or foot-note or something note, since we ain't doing anything else anyway.

Billy Ray and Rose are both pretty tough hombres. Their upbringing and just the people they are, nothing much ever rattles the idea of Rose screaming at a dead body? Most people sure, But her? No, not our Rose...she has seen them before, sad to say. So I asked her about that.

"Dylan honey, I am not sure. Maybe it's just that it was SO unexpected. I had my mind on other things I guess...and being on vacation and so relaxed and all. I don't know. It just rattled me, both times. Sorry."

"Rose, you are entitled to all the screaming you want. I just thought it isn't like you."
"No, you are right, I am not one given to tears or screaming. Billy maybe," and she laughed, "but not me. Can't really explain it Dyl, just..."

She hugged me and that was that.
Billy told me later that he thought that it was that Rose was far more tired than even she realized and so it was a natural reaction. I suspect he was right.

Two bodies this time. Good God. Both young males in their twenties, tall and slender as the first one had been and from what I saw they looked like brothers...bit hard to tell being dead and waterlogged and all, but that was my guess and it would turn out I was right.

Okay, we sat some more and I was getting tempted to yank Rico up and head to the boat and some zzz's. Beautiful cabins below decks as they put it, all a'wasting. But then one of the Agents came over and told us we were free to go, FOR NOW, (how reassuring)...yes, we won't need you UNTIL the walk to THE CHAIR, uh...urgh.

Needless to say we made a hasty retreat (not easy leaving skid marks in a boat) before they changed their minds...and headed home. Home. That still sounds funny all things considered...but then that was the feeling back at the Missouri homestead when they kept finding bodies (or parts at least) all over the place. Yet, we thanks to Antonio did own this place now and it is gorgeous as long as the former-humans stop showing up and...

We were all POOPED and hit the sheets pretty quick. Rico and I both barely made it into the bed before we zoned out. Hate to think what we will be like in our doddering years. LOL.


I got downstairs slightly ahead of Rico and it was quiet, deserted even. No Billy in the kitchen or anything. Not really surprising I figured. I even had to make coffee which I did and once made we got our steamy mugs of 'brew' and headed out to the back deck. (Yes there are multiple decks on this house...both floors). As we emerged from the house I saw Jake sitting alone in one of the deck chairs.

"Morning," I chirped, kinda...sorta like a slightly drunk robin after a long night at the feeder watering bowl.
"Hey," he replied.
"I made coffee," I informed him. He nodded, said 'thanks' and getting up headed in to get some.

Rico and I got settled in and pretty quick Jake came back out and plunked.
"You been up long?"
"All night," he mumbled...and indeed he seemed a bit worse for the wear.
"Yeh. This whole thing is bugging me."
"Me too. Hey, yah ever thought of giving it up and becoming a sheriff or something like that? Nothing more exciting than a lost dog or an AWOL Grandparent, or a cat in a tree?"
We both grinned.

"Not really Bear. I have wanted to be with the Bureau for as long as I can remember. Just forever, and when I found Kenny I really knew this is all I ever want. The Bureau and him."

"You almost as lucky as I am, Jake," Rico chimed in.
"Jest about, thug mug."
I almost spit out my coffee at that one. HAH.
"Happy foah yah, Agent Foxworth."
"We are happy for you and Dylan too, sport."

We all grinned and then it got reallll quiet as we drank our mocha elixir from the Gods and waterwatched. Some birds were fishing out in front of us and three squirrels were tearing around like squirrels do, having a great time and it was fun watching.

Jake's cell rang. It was Derek. He had decided he would come back here and in fact was on his way up...already on U.S. 131 having driven all night with his assistant Danny Williams. Jake had put it on speaker and when I heard that I hollered...
"Jest cain't stay away from me canya?" and I heard the laughter. Jake giggled and so did Rico.

He told Jake (and me) that he would be here in 2-3 more hours and I said.

"Pack up, everyone. THE LAW is on its way."
I figured we might as well get a few chortles in as this respite might very well be very short-lived.


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