Andy followed up with what he knew with Derek who shared as I did with Jake and Kenny and Danny.

We had some pieces of information and some leads you might say, but then...nothing to do but wait and I DO SO HATE waiting, for anything.

Andy would call every day or so, but not much to report for a couple of weeks.

We rested and recreated as best we could. Volleyball, and swimming and boating and playing cards. I even got a tennis court put in as we all love to play, and then we did a lot.

Rivers are fine but I like a pool and the one that came with the house was too small, so I arranged for a very large one to be put in and that would take a month or so. Oh good, more waiting.

I had subscribed to the local (sorta) paper(s) from Cadillac and Big Rapids, plus the Grand Rapids Press so we could keep up in print and of course cable news was on the tv a lot of the time.

Billy Ray and Rose and Ofelia had kept all of our tummies full with assorted goodies and GREAT cooking (even Rico and me too) ...and of course that meant several trips to 'ye olde supercenters' for additions to the larder. Those trips were always fun and sometimes we would make a day of it with lots of shopping and then dinner out. There are some good restaurants near campus in Big Rapids...and a couple surprisingly good ones in Cadillac. We even found a surprisingly good one in Reed City. Damn we good.

This got to be one of our fave watering holes, and will remain so.  Definitely not fancy but good food and good generous drinks.

Schuberg's Bar and Grill (Big Rapids) - 2020 All You Need to Know ...

About a week and a half in, we decided to really do the venture out thing and made a day of it in Grand Rapids with dinner at the Amway Grande (5 star no less).

Yes, we did avoid that island for a bit...initially cause they had it cordoned off but then just cause it wasn't a good memory to be sure. But after a bit, we kinda relented and had a couple of picnics there...and no more bodies. THANK GOD!

I had to admit (and did) that I was beginning to get more than a bit stir-crazy and batshit nutty with the seemingly-endless waiting for any kind of news.

Twice Rose and Ofelia said they felt that THE REDNECK MAFIA was needed to speed things up...which caused my immediate return to bed with my pillow over my head. They laughed but I knew they were not entirely kidding and I was more than afraid they would do just that and begin their sleuthy. WHAT ABOUT THAT RESTING UP SHIT, why we bought this place." Pfui.

YEARS LATER or so it seemed, Andy called.
I was convinced we were ALMOST up to An and Dyl.

"Got some news."
"Shoot. Wait..."
He laughed.

"Got a response out of those ads in California."
"Seems we have some names which indeed fully check out. They are or were brothers just as we thought, and their names are Chad and Charles Woods. Twins actually. Twenty-Four years old as was Rick Longworth.
"Where they from?"

"Amazing coincidence not, they are from Loveland Colorado which is where the Longworths had been living.
"Yeh. Seems Rick Longworth and the Woods brothers all went to California about the same time and all to San Francisco. Went to San Francisco State University and then stayed on."
"Not sure yet, but that would be my guess."
"and drug addicts?"
"Really not sure about that. The drugs could have been planted in their systems even after they died, but that is always a possibility."

"What did they do? Do we know?"
"Both Woods brothers were bartenders at a bar where Longworth spent a lot of time. All three majored in computers but only Rick went on into the field, working in a Silicon Valley software firm."

"Was the bar where the brothers worked a gay bar?"
"What kind of neighborhood?"
"From what I am told, very very upscale, very posh."
"Ok, amazing"
"Got that. Ok, Back to work. Take care Dyl. Laters,"
and with that he was gone. I told Derek and the others what Andy had just told me and Derek said...

"I wonder if it might not be prudent to pay a visit? I am feeling a bit parched," and he laughed looking at Rose.
Rose volunteered that that is exactly what she was thinking and Ofelia seconded.

"OH NO," I thought to myself.
"OH GOD NO," but I had a feeling as usual I would be outnumbered.


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