I may have neglected to mention that Antonio, BLESSEM HIS HEART, had in one of his even more generous than usual modes, arranged to buy us a rather LAHGE cabin cruiser and have it brought out to the house and they did, and GOD, what a beautiful boat. Truly gorgeous.

This gargantuan festival of fun arrived on Friday just after most of our guests including Antonio had left. AWWW.

But on Sunday during breakfast it was discussed, voted on and arranged for that we would all take a ride on it and as it turned out it was a BEAUTIFUL day. Luckily Rico is a bonafide expert at the art of boat shit stuff as he puts it as are Jake, Kenny, and Zeke. Teddy says he is a FANTASTIC watcher. Me too. I can't even tie my shoes, so all I will ever do is watch or maybe once in a while steer although that is still up for debate amongst the duly ahhh...sembled.

Sunday found us enjoying absolutely PERFECT weather. About 87 degrees, sunny and clear with a slight breeze and couldn't have been better for boating. We went out about noon, in our most fashionable boating/water sports attire...and boarded. Rose and Billy had brought a bunch of food out we wouldn't starve (not that that is EVER POSSIBLE with them around). How these two stay so skinny is beyond me. Billy told me once the secret is to NOT NIBBLE while cooking. Ahhhh.

We first headed north up the river and where we would end up nobody gave a fuck. The boat unlike its passengers behaved and it was so kewl. We rode for about an hour and a half and then headed back south...getting back home about 4pm. The water and the air and the sun and just everything added to our overall relaxation factor and we barely made it back up to the house before we all just collapsed. NOBODY was hungry nor wanting to do anything but poop out. SO that is exactly what we did.

About 7pm or so, Rose woke up, and got up...
remembering something she thought she had left on the boat and so she headed back.

It wasn't long before we heard the scream. Boy was THAT a wake-up call. We all scrambled outside with Rico and I getting to Rose first, followed closely by Billy Ray.

We looked at her, and at what she was looking at, and...

"Good God Rose, Now look at what you've done?" Billy Ray scooped his sister up as she began to further lose it.

We all just stood looking at each other and at 'IT'. What else to do...until I thought to call 911 and reached for my cell. I had a feeling the sheriff was NOT going to be amused. I know I wasn't. A body not belonging to any of us washing up on MY riverfront property. THE NERVE. Worse, he looked to be young and a...ok, hard to tell. He was actually quite dead and rather water weary.

Ok, first thing to realize. Every morning after you find a dead body on your lawn is NEVER going to be a good morning. Humor will have left the building like a burglar hearing the alarm. I just wish I didn't know this feeling quite this well.


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