As the front doors swung back they all descended into the pits of something or other. Hugs and kissies of course went on for a tad and I was almost suffocated by hooties.


We wath scrunched together. Even in as big a front foyer as we have we wath crowded.

Yes, I was glad to see them...sorta.

"Don't fret precious," Feelie whispered to me. "My brother just felt he had to make sure this place was safe and suitable for y'all."

I smiled weakly. She grinned knowing exactly what I was thinking I would bet and of course just to make sure...

"He brought along the entire population of southern Missouri to back him up."
"You know my brother, Dylan."
I laughed and so did she. Then I began to pout.

I wasn't sure where we were gonna put everyone. Only the Master Bedroom and one other were furnished so far. We were hardly expecting to be overrun by the entire population of Botswana and neighboring Brooklyn and Staten Island not to mention Newfoundland.

Ok, so here is what we got. Rose and Antonio in the first Escalade, with several hostages in tow including Billy, Teddy Marshall and Tommy and Chas. Next came Frankie and Tess in their Escalade with more hostages.

Johnny and J.R. behind them in their Navigator peopled with accomplices, including Brad and Greg. Then Derek and Margaret in their Escalade dragging along Jake, Kenny, and most of the Memphis bureau I am sure. They were caboosed by Ofelia in her Porsche (which makes 5 vehicles but I couldn't see the Porsche behind all the big S.U.V.'s). Ofelia had Charlotte with her.

GOOD GOD. House, damn all to Hell. I should have leased an armory.

"You know Antonio," I told him later. "I am not sure that this part of the Tundra has ever seen a group the likes of the Redneck Mafia before."

"They are in for a treat then, Bear."
Treat is not exactly the word that had first come to mind, but ok. LOL.

God how I wanted to ask if they were just passing through on their way to, oh I don't know, Canada perhaps? But I knew they would be staying until they weren't any more and that was that. URGH.

This would not be considered anything even remotely resembling normal in any other situation with any other group of people, but you see dear ones...NORMAL is not a term normally associated with the likes of us. Not by a long shot, so for us...

Suddenly Rico came up and whispered in my ear...
"Where they all gonna sleep, Honey?"

I snatched him up by the halo and marched us over to Antonio and explained that the sleeping arrangements were about to get real interesting. Possibly amusing, MAYBEES A BIT, uh...and then again...

"Any furniture stores around here?"
"The nearest town is at best a few hundred people. They don't even have a traffic light. Hell, they barely have one paved street.
"What's next?"
"Probably Big Rapids or Cadillac. Hell, I just got here."
"Phone book?"
"We just got here. How would I know?" I groused.

Course he then got on his cell phone, and voila. In two shakes of a mafia don tail, he had a furniture person on the line. He cajoled and threatened and charmed and in about two hours, here came a pair of big trucks loaded with bedroom stuff and this county's quota of formidable furniture movers.

Most people would be amazed that anyone could pull off something like that but I have known Antonio long enough to not be surprised at ANYTHING he does, awake or sleeping.

Three husky guys and one who must have been kept from eating for awhile (because all of his time was being spent in a gym somewhere), started unloading the trucks while Rico and I directed the placement. It was like something out of a movie, one under-funded and ill-produced movie...but it got done and there we were.

I had noticed during the course of all this more than a little bit of flirting going on between Teddy Marshall and one of the furniture people. The thin one who I have to admit was a real hottie and who I soon learned was named Zeke Braddock. I have to admit Mastah motormouth has really good taste. Moderately tall and very slender but BUILT, made obvious by what he was doing to his tee-shirt, Jet black hair and a pair of the bluest eyes short of Rico I have ever seen, deeply tanned and well...

but of course I hardly noticed.

Oh good, a budding romance which means Teddy will want to stay on indefinitely and...EEEEK and yes I did see an exchange of phone numbers. Double Eeek.

But for now I had bigger fish to fry.

Course we still needed sheets and bedding and towels and so Rose and Feelie and Charlotte got dispatched to do just that in Antonio's Cadillac Escalade, to Cadillac Michigan, and all were sent in serious shopping mode.

Rico and I went along since it is our house for now at least, while the rest of the slugs lounged on the decks or the terrace or wherever. We were gonna have a picnic style dinner tonight and OH MY GAWD, we had forgotten KETCHUP earlier. Merthee. So, there was that and no one picks out ketchup like Rico. Anything food, and he is the long as we keep him deprived of silverware in the supermarket and his hands in his pockets. He nods his head at stuff and it magically flies into the shopping cart. Hehehe.

We got back in good time (for us) and while Charlotte and some of the others went upstairs to make up the beds and towel and soap the bathrooms Rose and Billy and Feelie (yes Feelie) got to work on dinner.

(Something told me we would need another major shopping trip to ye olde Supercenter for grubbies. Oh goodie).

But for tonight we were all set with hamburgers and all the trimmings, and even a pie or two we had picked up on the way back, and burps all around.

Fortunately the bedrooms are all large in this house so we now had king-size beds in each one and good thing cause we still had more people than beds which meant a lot of jammed beds and poking and giggling I had no doubt. The thought of Frankie, his brother Kenny, his partner Tess, and Kenny's partner Jake all lounging in the same bed almost pushed me over the edge into giggleland, but I stifled as usual.

Oh, did I mention that while we were gone, Antonio took it upon himself to snatch Jake and Kenny and off they went to ye olde furniture store and bought enough furniture to fill up three very lahge homes with room to spare and by the time we got home, they were unloading it, while Zeke and Teddy were making goo goo eyes at each other. URGH.

I think that perhaps it was more restful at home. Hehehe.


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