Wednesday, February 12, 2020


This is one of my favorite spots on the planet.

Peaceful here. SO peaceful and quiet. I can just sit and let my mind wander here and there, to and fro as it is wont to do from time to time. Sometimes I come out here on the back decks and just relax, and other times Rico joins me and we sit snuggled up looking out at the river beyond. After what he and I have been through and the frenetic pace of our lives in recent times this seems oh so welcome. It truly does. I have needed this even after our sojourn to Mozambique and I know Rico has needed it too. Just us. Much as I love our friends and extended family...we just needed a place and time to sorta regroup.

I think everyone does from time to time.

But I guess you don't know about this place, do you. Oh. ME BAD! LOL.

So, let me start with how we wound up here and how this came to be such a favorite spot, UNTIL...

AND about the slight diversion into chaos we encountered almost from the minute we arrived. URGH.

Here goes...

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